Our Church is a modern red brick building, situated on Brynglas Road in Newport. Our main worship Hall will seat about 150 with more seating if we pull back the partition. We have a P.A system for the hard of hearing, which is compatable with hearing aids. The double doors at the entrance enables us to give the disabled worshiper as much independence as they need to enter the church. By altering the seating, without to much effort we are able to accommodate the wheel chair, without leaving them in an isle on their own. The seating is all cushioned to make it a more comfortable experience. We have our own car park, and we are all on one level. . We are a friendly bunch and welcome anybody. Please feel free to ask anyone a question to make your visit a pleasant one.We look forward to seeing you at All Saints Church Newport
All Saints Church Brynglas Road
From the Motorway
Come off the motorway at Junction 26,(Malpas Road)head into town (1st exit if you come off westbound carriageway, heading towards Cardiff. 3rd exit if you come off east bound carriageway, heading towards Bristol).
Take 2nd turning on the left. Proceed up Brynglas Road about 200 metres, church on left.
From town
at the roundabout by the castle, take the exit that goes under the railway lines.
At the next roundabout take the 2nd exit signed M4 West.
Take the 2nd turning on the right. Go up Brynglas road, church is about 200 metres on the left.
We have Eucharist Services in all of the churches in the Ministry Area and the times are detailed below. There may be new times of services as we move forward to enable the ministry team to deal with the capacity of the guidelines and restrictions. I know many of you may be disappointed with the slow progress we are making but it is essential for the safety of our church family.
Weekday Services in our churches:-
All Saints’: 10.00am Said Holy Eucharist
St Mary’s: 10.00am Said Holy Eucharist
St Mark’s: 11.00am Said Holy Eucharist
Sunday Services in All Saints :-
All Saints: 11.00am Holy Communion
Sunday Services in our Other churches:-
St Mary's 8.00am Said Eucharist
St Mary's: 9.30am Holy Eucharist
St Mark's: 10.30am Holy Eucharist
St Stephens: 10.30am All Ages Service
St Pauls: 10.30am All Ages Service
St David's: 11.00am Holy Eucharist
St Mary's: 11.30am Worship Xpress
St Stephens: 6.00pm Contemporary Service
St Pauls: 6.00pm Contemporary Service
There is an Envelope System available for your giving to the work of the Church or you can use a Direct Debit system.
An annual box of envelopes are available or Individual Envelopes are in the Narthex, these enable us to get tax rebates for taxpayers. Speak to Rose or the Churwardens for more information
Lord God,
renew your Church
and begin with me.
Heal our wounds,
give us joy in our faith,
draw many to share your life,
and use us all in your service.
For Jesus Christs sake,
Lord of the Church,
make us the Church of the Lord.